Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
List of 100
When I was a freshman at BYU, for a combined Priesthood/Relief Society meeting, our high councilman told us that he had created a list of 100 things that he wanted to accomplish in his life. Here is my List of 100...although you can tell that I still need to add quite a few items to my list before I'm done. There is an asterisk next to the things that I've already done.
- Visit every LDS temple in the world
- *Earn a BA
- Earn an MA
- Get married
- Become a mother
- *Serve an LDS mission
- Serve a mission with my husband
- Write a book
- Own my own house
- Own my own car
- Go skydiving
- *Save a life (I've saved several by donating blood!)
- Learn to play a stringed instrument (the cello)
- *Teach at a university (I'm part-time faculty right now!)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day of Faith: Personal Quests for a Purpose
Monday, February 23, 2009
Pay it Forward
Pay it forward...
The rules
1. Be one of the first 3 bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me - something crafty or yummy, only I know.
2. Winners must post this challenge on their blog, meaning that they will Pay IT Forward, creating a handmade gift- anything! for the first THREE (3) bloggers who leave a comment on their post about the giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make and/ or ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: it's the spirit and the thought that counts!
4. When you receive your gift, feel free to post about it, sharing appropriate pictures and comments! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your friends to do the same!
SO, REMEMBER...Pay It Forward!
Let's help make this a wonderful world to live in and show our friends how much we care for them :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cow Jokes!
What do you have when you combine a brown chicken and a brown cow?
What do farmers say when they receive a gift of a cow from their neighbor?
I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did. Cows make me happy!
The Conservatory Overcoat GIVEAWAY!!!!
This looks like a fantastic opportunity, and I'm going ot start following this blog for more of their fabulous giveaways. Thanks for exposing me to this, Jolena!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Like, the Freakin' best Valentine's Ever!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My 25th Birthday
Isn't the canyon gorgeous? And Timp? I LOVE Provo!
And this is me just modeling for fun in front of Dave's sister's jeep! Can't it be my birthday every day!? :D
Monday, February 9, 2009
Bring on 25!
In other news...I'm going to be 25 on Wednesday! Yay! I'm really excited to celebrate. It's been a good year this last year. I've done some things that I haven't wanted to do, and a lot of things that I have wanted to do. I've also been through some up and down points, and made some really good changes and decisions because of those ups and downs. And I wouldn't give up everything that's happened this last year just so I could say that I'm 24 still. So bring on 25!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
New Blog
Something Interesting from Facebook
- Adam Nicoll had an interesting Monday.
Interesting as in “fun”, or interesting as in “I’m glad it’s over”?
- Rachel Morris just got called a gangsta.
Whew! I better be careful with a gangsta for a roommate!
- Bonnie George thinks her toe might be broken.
Sad day! I hope it heals fast!
- Daniel Oman is watching the Transporter, and he thinks that Jason Statham could take on Chuch Norris!
There’s only two kinds of bad guys in the world: the ones that live, and the ones that meet Chuck Norris.
- Amber Anthon loves her family but,…..
But they are all vampires?
- Jennifer Sudweeks feels a little diabolical. ::cackles::
Go ahead and follow through with those devil urges occasionally; it’s fun.
- Donna Andrus is pondering on what color “velvet” is--is it something like crimson?
Black Velvet? Anyone heard of that book?
- Dana Brown is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZ yeah I snore lol no not really.
I’m pretty sure I heard a snore or two at the MTC.
- Kevin White yay Moon!
- Anthony James Torres wonders what kind of boy that you think that i are, the kind that you meet at a bar!?
The kind of boy that will go pretty far?
- Kimberly Whigham Lochner is going to crawl in a hole now…no really its for the better.
I understand that feeling. Sometimes you just need to embrace it.
- Tori Harris Tappen is LOST-ing.
Fun fun!
- Trevor J. Mecham needs to plan his 5 year reunion. Any ideas?
One word: karaoke
- Penny Royal is experimental music and trippy Jazz. Wednesday. 8 pm.
- Sara is trying to find a song…any suggestions?
Merry Happy by Kate Nash
- Sandra Bryant knew the right answer, and yet put the wrong one down. da! why meeeeee.
Were you under pressure? [dum dum dum dum dum] Pressure! Pushing down on me! Pressing down on you!
- Annie Johnson is frustrated.
Don’t worry; this too (whatever it is) will pass.
- Alicia Steagall is keeping her mind on her work.
How good of you!
- Nicole Quist Sweetheart, they’re suspecting things; people will say we’re in love.
What is that a quote from?
- Danielle Eaton is tired and wondering what is to be done.
Sleep. That’ll fix that problem.
- Kimberly Rowley is content.
What a pleasant feeling!
- Geneil Empey Johnson is amazed (but not surprised) by her husband and the hard things he accomplishes.
No, he surprises you with other things, like secret attacks from the aggressive, German-speaking squirrels.
- Claire Jacks is getting ready to go to bed.
Such a healthy thing to do! I think that I’ll get ready for bed too, as soon as I post this.
- Bridget Pranke is not saying a word!
If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!
- Jennifer Rowley Fauset painted all her baseboards today…I think I’m officially “nesting”.
Way to go. I’ve never felt that urge, but I’m sure it felt great to accomplish!