That having been said, I'm REALLY excited for this post! I've been thinking about it for a long time. Let me tell you how long:
In January, I discovered a blog. December and January were big blogging months for me, because I had just graduated from BYU and I was single, and I had a ton of time to read. I read on the 100 Hour Board quite frequently, and I would explore links to other blogs from blogs I already subscribed to. It was a very carefree time.
As I was saying, in January I discovered a specific blog: The Single Mormon Girl's Guide to Life. I thought it was fun. There was commentary on being single, on dealing with relatives and friends who make awkward/tactless comments about you being single, etc. I don't have a problem with being 25 and single, but it was still fun to read. I went back and read all the archived posts. And I found one post that I could really identify with. The author talks about a candy drawer in her family's house, and how everyone would leave the same old things in it, eating them only when they were desperate for sugar. She compared this to dating:
"I want someone new to come into my candy drawer ecosystem, open the drawer and see that banana flavored Laffy Taffy and say to themselves… ‘WOW. These are my FAVORITE! How did this get left in here? What dummy would leave a banana Laffy Taffy in the candy drawer? I’m so glad my favorite candy is in this candy drawer…what a lucky guy I am!’"
It's true! I really wanted someone to truly appreciate me while I was truly appreciating them. I wanted to find a guy (a piece of candy) that was my favorite, and think that I was the luckiest person in the world to get him before he was snatched up by someone else. And I wanted him to feel the same about me.
And it's finally happened! It started out when Dave and I had been dating not very long. I had read the Candy Drawer post, and I was going to write about it on my blog and comment about it. But something funny happened. Dave said to me one time, "You're my favorite!" I was shocked. This was exactly what I wanted someone to say to me! And it continued. We still say that to each other. So I decided to wait to comment on this post until things had progressed more with me and Dave.
Dave and I got engaged on Saturday! We're going to be married on August 15th, 2009, in the Snowflake Arizona Temple! And I can say that we are indeed each other's favorites. I'm so happy!
Guest post from Dave anyone???
Guest post! Guest post! (That's me chanting). That's awesome Merry. Again, I am SOOOO happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI vote that a guest post NEEDS to happen. And congratulations, again. Marriage is definitely a happy thing! :D
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm so excited for you! Does that mean you're moving up to SLC? lol
ReplyDeleteMerry, I am so excited for you! You deserve someone to completey appreciate you as much as you appreciate him. I am so excited for you! Maybe I've missed previous posts, but you should give us more details about dating/engagement etc. if you have time! :) Congatulations! Love ya!
ReplyDeleteSister could you please tell us all HOW it happened? I'm dying to know and am not sure when I will see you again!
ReplyDeleteBanana Laffy Taffy's are one of my favorites. I'm really happy for you.
ReplyDeleteSo he is to blame for the lack of posts. I think he owes us a guest post. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad you found someone as awesome as yourself--I know we've only met a few times, but I've always been really impressed by you. I'm so happy that you're happy. :D
ReplyDeleteMERRY I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!! Every time you've mentioned Dave in your blog I've thought to myself this guy seems like something special to her. Funny story: Two days ago I was walking on campus and passed a girl that I was totally sure had to be you, and she was glowing like the happiest person in the world, but as she walked past and I waved she totally didn't look at me like she was lost in whatever she was glowing about. I thought to myself either that wasn't Merry at all or it was her and she has to be engaged :) So was it you? If it wasn't I'm sure it could have been with how happy you are right now. Congratulations I'm so happy to see how many wonderful things have happened in your life. This post made my week!
ReplyDeleteDid I ever text you a thank-you for the ring picture? I think it is perfect, and it looks beautiful on your hand! :-)
ReplyDeleteAdam and I say that same thing to each other, and now I say it to Connor...and I never get tired of hearing it. We are so, so happy for you!! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteYYYAAAYYY!!! Congratulations, Merry! We are so incredibly happy and excited for you! You sound so happy. I can't wait to meet him :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you! That is so great that you found a good guy! I'm realizing more and more that they are hard to find!
ReplyDeleteThat's an amazing way to put it! I think it's easy to forget that we as married couples are indeed each other's favorites! Keep that up! Congratulations!!!