So, all of us kids drove secretly to Flag this weekend and waited until about 20 minutes after the first surprise has been sprung on her. This is Ellie and Jace, while we're waiting.
Then we went over to our neighbors' (Lois and Nicole) house. We went in the front door quietly. My mom's back was turned toward the front door, so she didn't see us come in.
My Dad said that he had one more surprise for my mom, and then asked one of the us to come put our hands over mom's eyes to see if she could guess who it was. He specifically asked for someone "shorter" so that one of the grandkids would go up. Taylor did it.
After she guessed for a bit, they turned her around! Here are our faces as we yell surprise!
And here is her face when she saw us all! She was so surprised!
After the surprise, we all sat around and ate and talked and laughed and had fun and took a lot of pictures, as you can see below! Here I am picking my nose! Just kidding! You can see that my finger is just to the side of my nose, and closer to the camera, although I don't know what I'm pointing up for. Just thought it was funny!
Aren't the people in my family great!
Happy Birthday Mom!!
What a fun idea...Those pictures are great! It's been so long since I've seen some of your family--you should tell me who everyone is! Happy Birthday Aunt Jody!!
ReplyDeleteMerry, I loved the photos!!! This is the first time I've sat down with time to really relax and read the blogs. Thank you for recording the 60 year event!!! Yes, you have great people in your family. I love that you came and I love that you love each other.