Friday, January 16, 2009

Two Good Things - Motherhood

We finally had TGT again! It was fun to get together with the girls, especially because of two new developments. Sara had her baby boy Joshua! And she brought him with her to the meeting, so I got to hold him. Adorable! And Chelsea told us that she's pregnant! Yay! So our prompt last night was to write whether we thought Chelsea would make a better mom to a boy or a girl. I kind of twisted that prompt, and here's the result:

Chelsea, your motherhood is long overdue! Hopefully that has given you time to prepared for this blessed event. "How might I have prepared?" you ask? Well, let me tell you!

For the boy that your baby may be, I hope you have desensitized yourself to slimy things.

For the girl that you may be delivering in July, I hope you have learned how to make tutus and flowered headbands.

For the boy that may have Kevin's looks, I hope you have reviewed your imagining and pirating skills.

For the girl that may have your passion for Chinese, I hope you have practiced controlling your emotions for when hers are uncontrollable.

And for yourself, I hope you have laughed and loved and are prepared to laugh and love some more. You'll make a wonderful mother.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your friends. Babies bring one of the truest happinesses on earth.
